Daniel 8:14 “And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.”
The Bible clearly tells us that there is a sanctuary up in heaven and Jesus as our high priest entered into this heavenly sanctuary. Hebrews 8:1,2 says; “Now of the things which we have spoken this is the sum: We have such an high priest, who is set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens; A minister of the sanctuary, and of the true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, and not man.” Hebrews 9:24; “For Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands, [which are] the figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us:” At the death of Christ the service in the earthly sanctuary came to an end. At His death the veil of the earthly temple “...was rent in twain from the top to the bottom...” Matthew 27:51. People need to make no animal sacrifices “….For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us” 1 Corinthians 5:7. Now, the service of the earthly sanctuary is ended. But the heavenly sanctuary is in active service. Hebrews 7:25 says “Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.” So Jesus is pleading and making intercession for those who come to the Father through Him(Jesus). And when Thomas asked the Lord, “...we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way? Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” John14:6. Now, our only hope of salvation is in Jesus. Through Him we can secure the full salvation and be heirs of eternal life. And Jesus is doing everything to save us from eternal loss. Amen.! Now, let's look closely on Daniel 8:14. This prophecy brings us to 1844. And, “at the termination of the 2300 days, in 1844, there had been no sanctuary on earth for many centuries. Thus the prophecy, 'Unto two thousand three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed,' unquestionably points to the sanctuary in Heaven.” {GC88, 417} “But the most important question remains to be answered: What is the cleansing of the sanctuary? That there was such a service in connection with the earthly sanctuary, is stated in the Old-Testament Scriptures. But can there be anything in Heaven to be cleansed? In Hebrews 9 the cleansing of both the earthly and the heavenly sanctuary is plainly taught. 'Almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission. It was therefore necessary that the patterns of things in the heavens should be purified with these [the blood of animals]; but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these,' [Hebrews 9:22,23.] even the precious blood of Christ. The cleansing, both in the typical and in the real service, must be accomplished with blood; in the former, with the blood of animals; in the latter, with the blood of Christ. Paul states, as the reason why this cleansing must be performed with blood, that without shedding of blood is no remission. Remission, or putting away of sin, is the work to be accomplished. But how could there be sin connected with the sanctuary, either in Heaven or upon the earth This may be learned by reference to the symbolic service; for the priests who officiated on earth, served 'unto the example and shadow of heavenly things.' [Hebrews 8:5.]” {GC88 417,8} “The cleansing of the sanctuary therefore involves a work of investigation —a work of judgment. This work must be performed prior to the coming of Christ to redeem his people; for when he comes, his reward is with him to give to every man according to his works. [Revelation 22:12.] Thus those who followed in the light of the prophetic word saw, that,...... at the termination of the 2300 days in 1844, Christ then entered the most holy place of the heavenly sanctuary, to perform the closing work of atonement, preparatory to his coming.” {GC88 421,2} Please study Leviticus 16. And any questions you have please write to- [email protected] May the Lord bless your hearts. |
ትንቢት ዳንኤል 8:14 "ንሱ ኸኣ፣ ክሳዕ ክልተ ሽሕን ሰለስተ ሚእትን ምሸትን ብጊሓትን፣ ሽዑ እታ መቕደስ ክትነጽህ እያ፣ በለኒ።"
መጽሓፍ ቅዱስ ኣብ ሰማይ ቤተ መቕደስ ከም ዘላን የሱስ ድማ ከም ሊቀ ካህንና ኮይኑ ናብዛ ሰማያዊት ቤተ መቕደስ ከምዝኣተወን ይነግረና። እብራውያን 8፡1,2 ከምዚ ይብል፡ "ሕጂ ድማ ነዚ እንብሎ ዘሎና ኣውራ ነገሩ እዚ እዩ፡ ንሕናስ ኣብ ሰማያት ኣብ የማን ዝፋን ግርማ እተቐመጠ፡ ናይቲ፡ ጎይታ ደኣ እምበር፡ ሰብ ዘይተኸሎ መቕደስን ድንኳን ሓቅን ኣገልጋሊ፡ ከምዚ ዘመሰለ ሊቀ ኻህናት ኣሎና።" እብራውያን 9፡24 ከምዚ ይብል፡ "ክርስቶስ ሕጂ ኣብ ቅድሚ ኣምላኽ ኪረኣየልና ናብኣ ናብታ ሰማይ ኣተወ እምበር፡ ኣብቲ ምስሊ ሓቂ፡ ኣብታ ብኢድ እተገብረት መቕደስ ኣይኮነን ዝኣተወ።" ኣብ ሞት የሱስ ክርስቶስ እቲ ኣገልግሎት ኣብታ ምድራዊት ቤተ መቕደስ ዝነበረ ኣብቕዐ። ኣብ ሞቱ እቲ መጋረጃ ናይታ ምድራዊት ቤተ መቕደስ "...ካብ ላዕሉ ኽሳዕ ታሕቱ ኣብ ክልተ ተተርተረ።" ማቴዎስ 27፡51። "ገንሸል ፋስጋና፡ ማለት ክርስቶስ፡ ተሰዊኡ እዩ እሞ፡..." ሎሚ ሰባት መስዋእቲ እንስሳ ክስውኡ ኣየድልዮምን እዩ (1ይ ቆረንቶስ 5፡7) ። ሕጂ ኣገልግሎት እታ ምድራዊት ቤተ መቕደስ ኣብቒዑ እዩ። ግናኸ እታ ሰማያዊት ቤተ መቕደስ ኣብ ንጡፍ ኣገልግሎት ኣላ። እብራውያን 7፡25 ከምዚ ይብል፡ "ስለዚ ድማ ነቶም ብእኡ ኣቢሎም ናብ ኣምላኽ ዚመጹ፡ ኩሉ ጊዜ ምእንታኦም ኪልምን ዚነብር ስለ ዝኾነ፡ ፈጺሙ ኼድሕኖም ይኽእል እዩ።" ስለዚ የሱስ ስለቶም ብእኡ ኣቢሎም ናብ ኣቦ ዚመጹ ይልምንን የተዓርቕን ኣሎ። ቶማስ ንጎይታ "ጎይታይ፡ ናበይ ከም እትኸይድ ኣይንፈልጥን ኢና፡ ነቲ መገዲኸ ኸመይ ጌርና ኢና እንፈልጦ፧" ኢሉ ምስ ሓተቶ፡ "የሱስ ከኣ፡ መገድን ሓቅን ህይወትን ኣነ እየ። ብዘይ ብኣይ ሓደ እኳ ናብ ኣቦ ዚመጽእ የልቦን።" በሎ (ዮሃንስ 14፡5,6)። ሕጂ፡ እቲ እንኮ ናይ ምድሓንና ተስፋ ኣብ ክርስቶስ የሱስ እዩ። ብእኡ ኣቢልና እቲ ምሉእ ምድሓን ክንረክብን ወረስቲ ናይ ዘለኣለም ህይወት ክንከውንን ንኽእል ኢና። የሱስ ድማ ካብ ናይ ዘለኣለም ጥፍኣት ክድሕነና ኩሉ እቲ ካብኡ ዝድለ ዘበለ ይገብር ኣሎ። ሕጂ፡ ኣብ ዳንኤል 8፡14 እምበኣር ንርአ። እዚ ትንቢት እዚ ናብ 1844 የብጽሓና። ከምኡ ውን፡ "ኣብ መወዳእታ ናይተን 2300 መዓልትታት፡ ኣብ 1844፡ ኣብ ምድሪ፡ ንብዙሕ ዘመናት ዝኣክል፡ ቤተ መቕደስ ትበሃል ኣይነበረትን። እምበኣር እዚ 'ክሳዕ ክልተ ሽሕን ሰለስተ ሚእትን ምሸትን ብጊሓትን፡ ሽዑ እታ ምቕደስ ክትነጽህ እያ፡..." ዚብል ትንቢት ብንጹር መገዲ ናብታ ሰማያዊት ቤተ ምቕደስ እዩ ዘመልክተልና።" "ግናኸ እቲ ቀንዲ ኣገዳሲ ዝኾነ ሕቶ፡ ማለት ምንጻህ ቤተ መቕደስ እንታይ እዩ፧ ዝብል መልሲ ዘድልዮ እዩ። ኣብ ቅዱሳት ጽሑፋት ብሉይ ኪዳን፡ ምስታ ምድራዊት ቤተ መቕደስ ዝዛመድ ኣገልግሎት ተጠቒሱ ኣሎ። ግናኸ ኣብ ሰማይ ምንጻህ ዘድልዮ ዝኾነ ነገር ክህሉ'ዶ ይኽእል እዩ፧ ኣብ እብራውያን 9 ምንጽህ ናይታ ምድራዊትን ሰማያዊትን ቤተ መቕደስ ብንጹር ተገሊጹ ኣሎ። 'ከምቲ ሕጊ ኣስታት ኩሉ ብደም እዩ ዝጸሪ፡ ብዘይ ምፍሳስ ደምውን ይቕሬታ ኣይከውንን እዩ። እምብኣርሲ ምስሊ እቲ ኣብ ሰማያት ዘሎ ነገር በዚ ኺጸሪ፡ እቲ ሰማያዊ ንርእሱ ግና ካብዚ ብዝሔሸ መስዋእቲ ኺጸሪ ናይ ግዲ ነበረ፡' [እብራውያን 9፡22,23።] ከማን በቲ ዝበለጸ ክቡር ደም ክርስቶስ። እቲ፡ ኣብ ክልቲኡ ኣብታ ምሳሌኣውን ኣብታ ሓቀኛን ዘሎ ምንጻህ፡ ናይ ግድን ብደም እዩ ዝኸውን; ኣብታ ቀዳመይቲ [ምድራዊት] ብደም እንስሳታት; ኣብታ ዳሕረወይቲ [ሰማያዊት] ከኣ ብደም ክርስቶስ። ይቕጽል...... |